Published inRESONATESReddit Labeled me an A***hole, and I’m ButthurtSeriously, why did I expect the internet to be a sympathetic place?Dec 25, 20212Dec 25, 20212
Published inRESONATESDiary of a Fat Black Girl — Sunday EditionIf I hear I need to “create a healthy lifestyle” one more time, I’ll screamMay 5, 202110May 5, 202110
Published inILLUMINATIONMy Cat’s Abortion Made Me Pro-ChoiceNo circumstance made the killing of an unborn life okay. Until I met Matilda, my cat.Apr 21, 20218Apr 21, 20218
Published inWrite Like a GirlWhy I Voluntarily Endured Having a Period for 6 Weeks StraightOne of the side effects of the Nexplanon implant is “extensive bleeding.”Apr 12, 20212Apr 12, 20212